
How to make sure that a child is well disciplined and focused?

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Suffer the pain of Discipline, or suffer the pain of regret!

Teoler, as the ‘Temple of learning’ does not wish for its students to tumble into the well of regrets, hence we work upon inculcating the right set of ethics and values from the very root of it in our pupils to understand and regard the importance of exercising daily disciplined habits.

Self-discipline is an invaluable skill that anyone can learn to improve the course of their life over time. Self-discipline means regulating oneself and making corrections to one’s thoughts and behaviors in order to improve oneself. For students, this can mean: keeping yourself focused on assignments or in classes, not getting yourself distracted during lectures or times of study and making sure that you’re on track with deadlines.

Besides academics, students must learn the discipline in School because without the discipline; students can’t be well educated. The four walls of a disciplined classroom can bring a huge difference in a student’s life to expand wide-ranging dimensions for his/her future. Discipline in students’ life opens the door of many rare and ample opportunities, and because of this, students gain success in each field of their life. In a student’s life, the discipline is always catered as a guide to focus on their goals. The disciplined life is classified by success, efficiency, and better time management.

It is imperative for an educator and a parent to understand that Discipline teaches the children to be focused and motivated towards their studies as well as other fields of life. The students with strong ethics and values are more focused.

If you are wondering on how to make sure whether your child is categorically disciplined and focused while studying in our school, here is the bale of positive practices that is followed persistently at TEOLER:

  • Formation of Values and Basic Ethics

 While ethics and values are essential in whatever stage of life we are in, the values that most adults have are the ones that were instilled in them during their childhood. They form the fundamentals in any student’s life. Basic ethics and values are the virtues taught to help people lead a disciplined life. At Teoler, we believe that values such as kindness, courage, humility, honesty, truthfulness, integrity, respect, hard-work, tolerance, compassion, empathy, and inclusivity are extremely important to be instilled from an early age, to build a child’s character, as it forms the very core of their being and becomes the foundation of their moral beliefs throughout their lives. These basic ethics are those essential frames of life that lead to respect the broader picture of humanity.

  • Inculcating Good Habits

A habit cannot be tossed out the window; it must be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time.

As precisely quoted by Mark Twain, a good habit needs to be instilled in a child with consistent and steady daily practice. We, at Teoler hold our firm belief in the fact that a child with good habits makes steady progress in studies, career, personal life, social life and all. In academics, disciplined habits and time management skills are essential for success and balance. Our classroom environment promotes a daily gulp of essential habits for students to;

  • Habituate themselves into maintaining a well-balanced schedule
  • Develop the habit of studying and revising everyday
  • Develop daily reading habit
  • Learn to manage time properly
  • Present themselves in an elegant manner
  • Keep a self-check on hygiene factors
  • Always be polite and considerate towards others
  • Being respectful to elders, teachers, and friends
  • Preventing the sense of entitlement in kids

Teoler firmly finds its modicum of faith in raising a generation against the viciousness of the changing world of helicopter parenting, over-involved guardians and uber-protected children, where a self-focused, “all about me” generation is being produced. Since it’s imperative for a child to realize the sense of responsibility from the very tender age of schooling years, we teach our kids to strike a healthy balance between being dependent and taking ownership. The humble environment of the school encourages the students to practice daily dose of gratitude, respect different perspectives, be helpful and kind and walk as a single Teoler family.

  • Operant Conditioning

Our approach towards designing an effective classroom management pertains to keeping a proper combination of intrinsic and extrinsic motivating factors. It helps our kids to shed their inhibitions in the learning process and adapt to the structured education pattern of the classroom. Regular behavioural checks, diary schedules, anecdotal records, counselling sessions for both student and parent, academic feedbacks, and positive reinforcements are some of the strongest tools to delineate the best characters for the future, and that is what Teoler aspires for your children.

To conclude, these basic ethics and moral values are the building blocks of personality that help in building the better character of people.

It is absolutely important to teach values in students because it is then that they take their first steps towards life, and it matters that they do it right. These learnings shape their attitudes, beliefs, and ideas and help them develop into undeterred and morally strong individuals.

Remember that it is our role as educators, parents and caregivers to put our time and effort into imbibing these values in our children, as it is from their parents and teachers that children are inspired the most.


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